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The REAL Story - From Book to Course

One of the beautiful things that arose out of writing the book was being able to more succinctly explain what exactly it is that I do. I’ve always found that difficult… the whole elevator pitch thing is not my jam. But if you can’t explain what you do, your audience will be confused. And a confused audience means an audience that doesn’t know when to call you. 

Having to create a linear path to follow, cause “choose your own adventure” doesn’t work well for personal development books, was a blessing. And it gave me a framework to turn my book into a course. 

As I write this, I’ve just opened up registration and applications for what I’ve named “The Fear to Freedom Playbook.” I’ve been telling people it’s essentially “the Book plus”. 

Plus what? 

The lessons I’ve learned and knowledge I’ve gained since writing it…

The tools and frameworks that didn’t make the cut for the book but are amazing… 

Community and connection… 

Real life integration and accountability...

Usually people read a book and take something from it. And that’s great. But this process deserves being implemented and journeyed through fully. 

From a personal perspective, I’m absolutely over the moon about it coming to life. I know that we will experience massive transformation in people’s lives. And while that comes with the usual sense of “who am I to do this?” and “why would people want to learn from me?”, I’m kicking those voices to the curb because I’m focused on my purpose and what’s possible. 

It’s been a long road. There have been so many delays and this project has expanded to be SO MUCH BIGGER than I had anticipated. But let me encourage you - if you have something big in front of you, just keep at it. 

Keep focusing on the people you’re here to serve. 

Keep focusing on the transformation they can experience when you show up in your purpose and power. 

Keep focusing on the big picture impact. 

Keep swimming. Keep marching. Keep moving. 

You can do it - I believe in you. 

(And if you need to, you can borrow my belief in you until yours gets stronger).



(ps. If you want to check out the course - head to my insta bio or www.kingdom-elevation.com)

See this gallery in the original post