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The REAL Story - What Happens After?

It’s been 6 months since the book launch and that had me reminiscing this morning about how much changes in a year. Last year at this time, I was in editing. I had dreams for how the launch was going to look, what the timelines would be, and it was all wrapped up in a bow in my mind. (If you’ve been following the series, you know how that went…). Still, I’m sitting here thinking about how grateful I am that the project is done, the book is released, there are copies in hands, and it’s only the beginning.

This month, in honour of a half-a-year of being a published author, we’re talking about the great and not-so-great things that followed “launch day.” There is so much excitement around launch day… so much attention and support. But what happens after?


Well, as an author friend of mine, Daniel Im, told me when I asked him for book launch advice, “Book launches have a long tail.” In other words, it’s a long game. There is no miracle that turns you into a New York Times bestseller, or that sells your book for you to thousands of people per month. It’s ongoing work.


Great and not-so-great - here we come.

Writing a book is an instant credibility-booster. Especially as a coach and a speaker (or really if you’re in any kind of consulting or people-building), author is not a title that many people have. This means that you become part of a small group of people who are viewed as experts. Plus you have an entire manuscript that highlights you expertise.


There are doors that have opened to speak at events that would not have otherwise been available. There are clients who have signed on with me that needed the extra dose of credibility up front to get past their own egos. As an entrepreneur, it’s been really helpful.


After the book launch, my energy was shot. As in S.H.O.T. shot. I put everything I had into that launch, intentionally, with this faith that it was going to be a massive success and change the landscape of my future. In ways it did… and in more immediately obvious ways I overestimated my audience. Sidebar - the book continues to and will continue to change the landscape of my future.


The struggle was that I didn’t have the energy to continue to give the book the promotion that it deserves over the long haul. My business was in a solo-preneur season, and life was happening on the home front in the months following the launch. So I let the book sit because my kids and my clients (my core business) have dibs on my capacity.


Being human means limited capacity. And limited capacity means that priorities are everything.

A book is an endless source of content. Seriously. Quotes, reel snippets, live reads, bits and pieces to tease out and turn into talks and workshops. Now that hinges on capacity, which we just covered. *facepalm (we’re gonna be H.O.T. - humble, open, and transparent here. I'm not out to feed you some “life is sunshine and rainbows all day everyday BS).


Those speaking gigs that I had show up - you better believe I used the book as a framework for those talks. Reinventing the wheel is no longer necessary.

Deep breath… This is a great book. Seriously, it’s a fantastic. Not just because I say so and believe it wholeheartedly, but I keep getting that feedback. BUT… that underestimating my audience thing that I mentionned? Well, let me tell you - I read the books and the blogs, I talked to author friends, and I built out one heck of a plan. I did nearly all the things you’re “supposed to do” (the ones that aligned with me anyway). I had a killer launch team of people sharing and posting. I had pre-written reviews, and emails pre-scheduled to keep it simple for everyone involved. I had a social media plan pre-set on Later for every day on all the channels. I had pre-sale lists, podcast guest episodes, and book focus on my podcast. I lined up speaking events and PR features… it was thorough.


And then launch day came… And my launch team bought books... And some other people bought books... And some people bought multiple books... And then that was essentially that.


I had this expectation that everyone would have a couple friends that would buy it because they shared about it… Nope. I know because I had a spreadsheet tracking who bought one because they posted or messaged me (because of course I did!).


As it turns out, being famous really does help. Having a huge network really does help. And having an audience that entirely fits your ideal reader demographic, well that helps too.


Let me tell you who makes up a significant chunk of my social audience - a bunch of people from my 10 years in real estate. And who is my ideal reader? Christians and the spiritually curious or open-minded who want to step powerfully into purpose and are getting in their own way. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, but there is only so much overlap. I knew that would present as an interesting challenge, but it was still disappointing because I had such high expectations.


Now, this takes the disappointment and tosses it out the car window “I’m reading your book and OMG, it’s like I’m reading my own story!” or “I didn’t know how much I needed this!” The feedback from people about how what I have written is challenging and encouraging them; how it's helping them feel seen; how it's creating new awareness and permission to live boldly; and how it's providing space for self-compassion… This completely shifts my perspective.


We’ve talked a bit about imposter syndrome and comparison before - it can be so easy to get drawn there. But ultimately, I get to come back to the “why” behind the book. It was never about numbers and dollars (though I am still believing in crazy faith that it will sell 1 million copies). Instead, it was always about reaching people and creating an opportunity for transformation in their life.


So all in all, I’m celebrating what is, what was, and what’s coming. And I’m trusting that the book will reach who it’s supposed to reach and open the doors it’s supposed to open. I can rest and be content in that.


Written by: Juli Wenger

Author of Fired-Up, Fulfilled, And Free

Follow Juli at @juliwenger

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