Let’s get to it, here are my random thoughts from a #momboss.
1. Giving my child an early Christmas present just so I could get an extra 10 minutes of work done was the most genius thing I could have done all year.
2. Season 4 of Paw Patrol is now on Netflix. THANK FU*CK.
3. I decided to send my kiddo to day home 2 half days a week (And yes... I was totally "that" mom that said I would never send my kid out of the home for childcare)! Anyways here I am 2.5 years later doing the happy dance when I drop my child off and head to do errands, make product and ship orders! LIFE CHANGER. Even if it's only a few hours a week, your sanity will thank you. I am legit writing this post while watching my child suction his belly with a shop vac feeling thankful that he has pants on because we all know what that could have lead to. By sending him out of the home he gets to play with actual children and do fun crafts that don't involve me cleaning up the inevitable mess of those "fun" crafts!
4. If you are planning to get any work done at home with kids around you can never have enough SNACKS. Here is a link to a website that that I love to use! It has tons of awesome recipes and snack ideas https://www.superhealthykids.com/ (PS these Turkey Sloppy Joe's are amazing!
5. Don't let other moms fool you! They might make it look easy on social media but every #momboss I have met is in the same boat just trying to keep that work life balance in check. If we can support each other with no judgement and help each other out when needed it will make for a much better world of mom bosses!
6. Last but not least if you think your child is potty trained.. HE'S NOT! Do not trust him alone for 2 minutes. I was fortunate enough to have another great experience all while writing this post. It happened 2 feet in front of me, my lovely toddler decided it would be fun to poop on the floor (he was naked at the time since i'm a firm believer in hangin loose while you can still get away with it). BUT WAIT.. IT GETS BETTER, He then thought it would be a good idea to hide it under my favorite brown leather pouf.
That's what I get for trying to do work at home with my toddler! Is it bedtime yet...