YBB Membership FAQS
1. Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yes, you may cancel your membership at any time by logging into your members portal or contacting us directly. For all memberships cancelled prior to 12 months a $50 set up fee may be charged at the time of your cancellation.
2. How do I claim member promotions I see advertised on Instagram
You will need to log into your member portal and find the link for events, promotions etc. and there you will see your discount code & details on how/ where to claim.
3. How can I advertise with YBB?
We would love to chat about how we can best promote your business within our community. Join our next Get To Know YBB call (held monthly) to learn more about those options.
4. Where can I update my Directory Bio?
You will need to log into your members portal and find the 2. section “update your current directory profile here.” or you can email your member liaison directly at hello@ybbconnect.com.
5. How can I connect with other members?
There are a few ways you can connect, first is by jumping in on a virtual or in person event! (Link to events page). Secondly you can use our business directory to search out specific businesses to personally connect with and thirdly you can reach out anytime to your member liaison Jocelyn at members@ybbconnect.com to request additional assistance on connecting or learning more.
6. I just signed up but have not received an email yet?
Check your promotions, spam or junk folders first, if found please whitelist hello@ybbconnect.com so that our mail will go directly into your inbox. If you have tried the above and still haven’t received an email please contact us directly at hello@ybbconnect.com.
7. Is this suitable for me if I am in network marketing?
Yes! We strive to be as inclusive as possible, any business structure is welcome. There is so much information & learning opportunities available for you as a member of our community.
8. Is this suitable for me if I don't have a business yet or if I don’t own my own business but instead work in a corporate setting?
Totally! If you’re still in those planning stages or currently working a 9-5, we’ve got you covered. Here you can connect with others, learn about important topics not only in business but in wellness & growth as well.
9. How does billing work?
Your first payment it will be due the day you sign up. After that you will be billed every month on the day that you registered until you cancel your membership. You will receive an emailed notification for these charges.