MAD LOVE MONDAY - Tera Williams | Mia West
What is your business & why that field / service/ product?
My name is Tera Williams and I am the founder of Mia West. Mia West is a new, Canadian activewear brand that is designed by my partner and myself. We create fashion-forward athleisure apparel with a focus on quality, function and style.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved to create. As a kid, you would always find me drawing, sewing, behind a camera, or anything that would challenge my artistic capabilities. Growing up I dabbled in a bit of everything, but one thing that really stuck was my passion for health and fitness. Combining these interests led me to create my dream job and do what I love!
Mia West was created with the intention to provide high quality and affordable activewear but more importantly, to empower women to look good, feel great and live a life you love. To shop Mia West, click here.
What inspired you to start your own business?
I always dreamt of starting my own empire. I think what really motivated me to stop dreaming and start doing was my previous job. I spent several years of my life working for someone else and grew tired of not doing anything for me. I use to dread waking up every morning, leaving my dog and going to work. Now I can honestly say that I’m excited to wake up early and start my day.
Do you have a go to quote / motto?
My motto is “Live A Life You Love”. Life is too short to be anything but happy. If you have dreams, go for it. Don’t think about how long it will take because the time is going to pass by anyway!
What’s a personal goal of yours to accomplish? (time frame?)
I want to buy my dream home with my boyfriend/business partner and live on the west coast with our dog, Mia. This is actually where the name “Mia West” comes from :P
Do you have a professional goal or set of goals for your business?
The list of business goals is endless! But one of my main goals is to open Mia West stores internationally. I always find myself looking at vacant stores and envisioning a Mia West sign in front.
Why do you love being an entrepreneur?
I love being an entrepreneur because it gives me the opportunity to create my own schedule and do what I love. Building a brand isn’t a 9-5 job. I’m usually working from the moment I wake up to the moment I close my eyes (and sometimes in my dreams). But to me, it’s not work because I love the job that I’ve created!
Did you ever have a time where you wanted to give up? How did you overcome that feeling?
100% YES!!! Working for your self can definitely be a rollercoaster. One day things are going great and the next you’re having an emotional break down. I’m lucky to have such a great support system. My boyfriend, family and friends are always there to lift me up whenever I feel discouraged. When I’m feeling extremely overwhelmed I take a step back and remind myself that a problem is only as big as you make it.
Whats your best boss babe moment? (First moment of reassurance).
My best boss babe moment was when I received my first online sale from someone I didn’t know. The feeling is unexplainable when someone you’ve never met, supports you and believes in your brand.
What platform do you find most success / interaction from? (IE. Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook).
Definitely Instagram! It’s a great way to connect with others and to promote brand awareness.
Work-life Balance: What you do you do to destress? What is your must-have moment of the day (me time)?
Any form of exercise helps me de-stress. I try and make it a habit to join a workout class or hit the gym 3-4 days a week. But after a long stressful day, nothing beats a glass of red wine, Netflix and cuddles from my pup.
What are you looking to learn from other YEGBOSSBABES in the community?
I want to learn how other YEGBOSSBABES got to where they are now. I think we can all learn from others mistakes and successes. Knowledge is power and it’s so inspiring to be able to meet like-minded babes who come together, learn from one another and support each other. I truly believe that when women support each other, incredible things happen.
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