MAD LOVE MONDAY - Laura Poburan | L2 Fitness
Meet the beautiful boss babe Laura Poburan from L2 Fitness
L2 Fitness was a teeny tiny idea what seems like ages ago now. Could we do it? Was it possible? It was really scary taking that first leap into the world of entrepreneurs. We were a little tadpole in a big ocean. It started out as a small studio, just the two of us – hubs and me. We had (and still have) an extremely loyal client base. We’re family - I would do anything for that original crew to this day. But we hit a point where we wanted to affect more people, to help as many as we could. And that meant growing the business past just the two of us and our small forever family. So we expanded – we set out to build our dream gym.
I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing (I was on the pec-deck working my chest because I’m a bro like that) when this idea to expand started to flourish. We planned every square inch of the space – we ordered specialty equipment from Germany, the UK and all over the states (I wasn’t going to build my dream gym without the best glute building equipment money could buy) played with the layout over and over and over again until it was perfect, and most importantly we strategized on how we were going to scale the community we had so passionately built for the last 3 years.
“They” say that we all have three places we identify with the most – your home, your work, and one other place. I want to be that one other place for everyone who comes to goal is to create a community and an environment that is centred on changing lives, and on giving people a community who will lift them up and push them forward towards becoming their most confident selves.
I absolutely love being an entrepreneur – it’s scary as hell most of the time. And it challenges me daily – like how many more 15 hour days do I have in me? I ask myself this all the time – but somehow I wake up the next day and the one after that and the one after that and I just do it. I’m lucky because I love it – the 15 hour days feel rewarding. I’m investing in my business and my people and I never feel like quitting. I’m tired a lot – sure. I have bad days where I ask myself “Why the hell am I doing this?”, but quitting? That thought has never even crossed my mind until you asked me that question just now. If I quit, I give up on all the amazing people I’m affecting and helping, and I could never do that.
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I recently did a workshop with Lululemon where we asked people to choose a word of the year – a word that will shape their direction, their goals, and their focus for the year. My word was balance – something every entrepreneur dreams of achieving one day I think. Balance to me doesn’t mean working less – it means working smarter so that I can make time to be social, see my friends, and still be more productive than I was before. Balance feels like a fleeting feeling, and I know you bossbabes can relate. It’s there one day and gone the next, into the abyss somewhere. Landon said something to me recently that has stuck with me…”you need to be ruthless with your time” he said.
Ruthless with my time. Huh! He was on to something. By being ruthlessly productive in the time I give myself to be, I have been able to say “yes” to more things with family and friends in the last 6 months than I have in the last 3 years. I think my biggest factor in restoring balance is actually being productive in the time you tell yourself you’re going to be productive in. And then setting boundaries for yourself so that you have no choice but to be. Balance, I’m coming for you!
Something that people always ask me about is “OH, what’s it like working with your husband?”
It’s something that not everyone could do, that’s for sure – but for us? It works splendidly. We actually don’t spend all that much time together to be honest, which is why we plan date night every Thursday (see? Balance! I told you I was trying!) out of the gym, connecting. I’m very lucky that I can be around him all day every day and then on a day off it feels like a treat to spend time together. Plus I get a free ride to work every morning!
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