TIPSY TUESDAY - 5 Tips to Top Your MLM Journey with Liz Agudelo
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I did the pros and cons in my head, and I said a quick prayer. Then I jumped in with two feet into a multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunity. Why? Well, it happened something like this: I tried the product, I loved the product, I couldn’t help telling others about the product. Sharing about it felt natural, orders were coming in organically, and then it dawned on me:
This is working without me even trying … what would happen if I went all in?
Friends, this shift in perspective was the best thing I could have done for myself and for my business. Owning it—setting out with intention and purpose—makes all the difference in business (and in our personal lives too).
I’ll talk goal setting, Facebook workshops, vendor events, and classes another day. Today I want to focus on the core of a thriving MLM business and share with you my top 5 tips for keeping yourself motivated to stay the course.
Know Your “Why”
You can only commit to something you feel deeply passionate about. For me, it’s my kids. I wanted to stay at home with Penny (6) and Max (3.5 … and that .5 is very important to him, so it must be honoured!) I also knew I was leaning into the right opportunity because the company’s values, philosophy, mission, and vision aligned with my own.
Come back to your why when you feel discouraged. Put pictures on your walls, sticky notes on your mirror, or recurring alarms on your phone … whatever it takes to remind yourself that what you’re doing matters.
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Personal Branding
Let’s keep it real Boss Babes, there are plenty of other people doing what you’re doing. So what will draw people to you? Your personal brand. You’re unique, gifted, and your story matters. Infusing your brand with the essence of you is what sets you apart from the other reps promoting the same or a similar product or service as you. No one else can bring what you bring to the table. No one. I mean that.
Only when you share who you are (rather than what you do) can people like and trust you. Establish a personal relationship with your market and they will find their way to you to get the product or service you love so much and share so authentically. Don’t just inundate social media with product shots—that’s what everybody else is doing. Be authentic, do you instead.
Be Intentional: Take a Moment Before You Say Yes or No
Being intentional and authentic goes beyond branding. Being intentional about what we allow into our lives (and what we don’t) matters. Saying yes to one thing means saying no to something else. When we say yes to Netflix we say no to answering emails, planning our social media feeds, or spending quality time with family and friends. In the same way, saying yes to our businesses means saying no to personal time (or at least some of it).
We all get 24 hours a day, so let’s use them to say yes to the things that matter, to the things that lead us to our ultimate goals. Let’s say no to the things that distract us from our vision for ourselves and for our families.
The tricky part is identifying which opportunities will help you further your goals, and which ones won’t (it’s not always as clear as choosing between Netflix and business planning!) So I caution you to focus and make decisions that serve you best—this looks different for everyone. Your true friends will understand your journey and support you. Your family will thrive because your time together will be intentional, quality time. You can do this. It’s up to you to choose.
Personal Development: Work on You, Boo!
I’m sure you’ve seen the meme:
“Your vibe attracts your tribe.”
There’s a deep truth to it. Energy attracts like energy. So think about the kind of team you want to lead ... who is it made of? What are your people like? What traits do they have?
Then look in the mirror. Do you have the traits you’re looking for in others? Do you practice the habits you’d want them to practice? Walk the walk. Leading by example is imperative in network marketing, just as it is in any endeavour where you hold influence and a place of leadership.
Thriving MLM’s know that their greatest asset isn’t their products, it’s their people. So soak up all the opportunities for personal development on offer. Attend your company’s conventions to learn from and be inspired by the best. Allow yourself to be fed. You’ll become not just a better network marketing professional, but a better leader and a better human being. I would also encourage you not to wait for the annual convention to work on yourself. Personal development is an ongoing process, and as you personally grow and develop, so too will your business.
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Own It
MLMs are like any other business: Treat it as a hobby, and it’ll pay you back as a hobby. Treat it as a business, and it’ll pay you back as a business. Shifting my perspective from hobby to business took time and thought, and now, having a bird’s eye view on my team, I also see that process unfolding in others. It’s a choice everyone has to make.
By definition you are a business owner once you have signed up just one person to use your product or service.
What is holding you back from calling yourself a business owner? An entrepreneur? It’s easier (aka less scary) to see it as just a fun thing you do on the side, for kicks. I’d like to challenge you to unpack your thinking.
Would you like this to be more than just a fun thing?
Is it possible for your business to bear fruit for you and remain fun? Why or why not?
Would you like to go beyond having your products paid for through this business? Why or why not?
What fears can you identify when it comes to owning your own business, and what resources can you tap into to support yourself through this process?
Whether you recognize it or not, you’re a Boss Babe. Time to own it.
What do you think? What holds you back from going all in with your business? What keeps you motivated when things get hard? You are welcome to agree or disagree with me—whatever your view, you are welcome here.
To connect with me and learn more about my business with Young Living Essential Oils, please visit my website, or find me on Instagram, I’m @fabuliz_agudelo.
*Photo credits: Michelle B., Beau Photography, Dusty Dawn Photography
Beau Photography:
Dusty Dawn Photography: