Tipsy Tuesday | 4 Marketing Tips to Elevate Your Business
Hey there, my name is Brenda Janet and I am a business coach who focuses on motivating & educating women to turn their passion into a viable business. When I first decided to jump into entrepreneurship, I quickly realized that there is more to setting up a business than just a fancy product or service. It was time consuming (to say the least) to research items like: vendors, product quality, figure out shipping details, website platforms, social media, marketing, target audience, authentic social media content etc. and the list does not stop here !!! This felt totally overwhelming and intimidating.
As an entrepreneur you manage many different roles in your business including Marketing. Now we understand that yes, it is great to have thousands of followers on your social media platforms but it is VITAL to the success of your business to have a strategic marketing plan.
— You're probably wondering what a marketing strategy is and why it is important to implement one to your business.
Now a marketing strategy is: plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service. But why is it so important to have a marketing strategy?
— A marketing strategy is a key component that outlines your business’s purpose, goals and what makes it unique from the competition. A successful marketing strategy should clearly define who your ideal customers are and why they engage with your products and services.
To save you the time and hassle I have put together 4 key components to elevate your marketing strategy and reach out to your potential IDEAL client.
The first key to have a successful business is to understand who your targeted audience is, what problem or need do they have that you will be able to resolve.
Begin by narrowing down the following topics:
Geography: Where is your ideal client located?
Age: How old are they?
Likes & Dislikes: What are they interested in and what are their hobbies?
Gender: are your customers mainly women? Men? Or both?
Language: What language(s) do they speak?
Married or Single
What do they do for work
What do you want to inform your ideal clients about? Focus and refine your message so it is clear about what you have to offer! You want your dream client to be able to say
“YES, this product or service is for me!”
Take advantage that Facebook has a whole platform specifically for business & you're able to link both your Facebook business page and your Instagram Business page together. This simplifies creating an Ad. Facebook Business Manager is amazing because you are able to directly target your DREAM CLIENT.
— Take into consideration where you’re ideal client spends the majority of their time and focus on that platform.
To narrow this down, ask yourself the following questions:
Are they usually on social media? If so, which platforms?
Do they prefer to be contacted by email? Then consider focusing on growing your email list on your website!
Do they like to receive text messages of a new service/product?
Does your client prefer video content instead of pictures?
Always take advantage of the tools that are available to you on these social media platforms and utilize them to the best of your abilities. Upon completing your audience research, depending on who your ideal client is and what their interests are, you will be able to determine where and how your clients get their information.
You got your message across on your desired platform and your dream clients are loving it! They are engaging and booking with you, this is exciting!!! This is what we wanted, but now we have to figure out how we are going to keep this momentum going?
Review your analytics and data that is provided by your website or social media platforms and as yourself :
Is your message making any impact?
Is your message reaching your potential clients?
If so, are your potential clients encouraged to reach out to you?
As a busy entrepreneur, growing your audience and booking clients is vital to the success of your business and I hope that with these 4 tips will help elevate your marketing game and bring you further success! Keep pushing and working towards your goals, you got this!
Submission By: Brenda Janet
Check out my Instagram for free Business & social media tips!
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Video content is essential to growing your online presence, but creating videos that truly connect with your audience requires more than just hitting record.