How To Pivot And Step Into A New Power
Hi, you. My name is Miranda Horvath, and I ask you to join me in this shared picturesque memory to describe a feeling many of us may be feeling at this moment.
Hi, you. My name is Miranda Horvath, and I ask you to join me in this shared picturesque memory to describe a feeling many of us may be feeling at this moment. Picture yourself on a small secluded paradise beach, wearing your favourite sunnies. You can’t believe your own beautiful eyes as you look out at the water and see monumental waves crash towards the shore. You can’t believe the waves can reach so far towards you as they wash past your feet and ankles. The bright sun shines down dancing beams of warmth across your face and chest, the soft breeze flows through your body. You simply cannot resist looking up at the sky to smile, and gently close your eyes to feel Mother Earth’s comforting, natural gifts. You decide that the sun is shining, and the water is clear, and you want to go for a swim.
You lift up your sandy toes and step towards the water, gingerly at first, and then you run right into the biggest, baddest wave you can find! You can barely contain your excitement! Your body cuts through the first wave like soft warm butter, you outstretch your arms, kick your feet and start to swim towards the majestic oceanscape. This is pure unadulterated bliss.
You start to get a little far, so you decide it’s time to turn back. That wave ahead looks daunting, majestic, and just a little too close. Suddenly, you’re turned upside down and you have no idea how it happened so fast. You try to scream for help as you realize, panicked, you’re being swept towards the point of no return, but all that comes out are the last bubbles of your life supply floating towards the surface, and you can’t regain control.
The more you fight, and struggle, the deeper you sink. You have no idea what to do, you’re sinking deeper, the weight of the water closes in on your chest as it becomes heavy, tight, and you fight so hard to deny your reality - can nobody really save me? Is there not one other soul that can see my fight, or hear my screams? I thought I was such a great swimmer, how did this happen? What about my family?
It’s too late as you can no longer see the sun beams, there is no warmth now. Only cold and frightening despair as you sink deeper and deeper down, never to be seen, or found.
This is what powerlessness feels like.
How can we find the strength to swim up from the depths, against the waves of overwhelm, and swim back to the safety and stability of land, when we have no oxygen, and zero strength? I want to talk about how to redirect, and reclaim your almighty power when you are feeling utter powerlessness.
I hope you could relate to how I have felt when you picture yourself in that same oceanscape. It’s okay, I understand. I got you. If you or someone you care about is in a mental state of drowning and overwhelm, just know you and we can hop on that surfboard, climb on up and make that wave your bitch.
I am a registered massage therapist in Edmonton and an online holistic personal practice consultant. I started my company, MassageByMir from the ground up. I turned nothing into something, and I nurture this beautiful life I’ve created for myself every single day, tending to it and nourishing it and being grateful for it and feeling the power from it because it is my passion.
But now that’s gone, and I couldn’t get up for several days. I know some people didn’t feel the same mental torture that I did, and I’m really happy about that. But I did. I write in my journal twice a day to be able to record my process as emotionally and accurately as possible. I’ve looked back on all that raw personal data and created this personal culmination. I hope you get from it exactly what you need. Every day is a new process, and I’m finding a way to not only survive, and maintain my life’s priorities, but actually thrive in a new creative direction, my online business is growing, I’m learning so much every day and soak up every single second and every single lesson that I can. I’m so grateful for every moment despite all the hardships that came with this, in a worldwide trauma. I want that for you. If reading this could help and makes that even %1 more possible, then keep reading.
1. Prioritize the essentials before you give yourself time to fall apart. Start by examining what needs to be addressed immediately, and what can wait. If you have immediate bills due, pay them or if you are short on funds, research, get on the web, ask your family and community or make some calls and figure out how to get your bill payments extended, reduce or alternate paid monthly subscriptions for free ones, suspend services and come up with a game plan. You can do this!! But first…
2. Give yourself time to fall apart. Nap all day. Eat comfort food. Call everyone, and get the tissues. You’re allowed to stay in this sad zone for as long as you need, and give yourself permission to fully feel those feels. You can’t predict how much time you will give to this part of the process, but it will be unique and memorable to you and just remember that someday, this will all be in our past.
3. All we can do is give our best and work with the tools that we have at the time. Forgive yourself, allow forgiveness for others. Are you here for me? Cuz babe, I’m here for you. I forgive you for being stressed or sad or scared or for reacting any way that you may. Of course this is not limitless but give your beautiful self time to relax into your body and get reacquainted with yourself.
4. Love yourself. No matter what. Self explanatory.
5. Look inward and reclaim your power, beauties. The way I think about it is, it’s happening anyway, we can’t control it so let’s just steel ourselves and prepare to have to be badasses for awhile - let’s get our bearings, accept where we are, and decide to make the best of this, no matter what, hell or high water.
6. Start small and grow. Do the things that bring you joy, and if you’re not ready to go full on, start small. Instead of a grand canvas painting, start with a beautiful colouring book or just any expressive activity you can think of that will help you with your mental health and self love. Work on purposeful, soulful projects and if they’re productive or helpful, that’s great too! You never know where it will lead you, so be open to changes and opportunities.
7. Remember to continue to reach out for help whenever you need. Reach out and connect stronger with your community now than ever and be there for someone else if they need you to lend an ear too. If you can’t, that’s okay too. Take care of you and take care of others when you have more in your cup.
8. respectful - no judgement here. No slamming, shaming or blaming. Let’s be chill, okay?
I hope my story identifies with you, powerhouse babes and I can’t wait to see us look back on this with as much gratitude and fullness as we can, to lighten ourselves up for opportunities and greater connection in our future with the ones we love. Swim back to shore and I’m waiting here for you with open arms.
Basically, keep being badass. I hope to hear from you and chat with you! Can we connect please?
Miranda Horvath
Video content is essential to growing your online presence, but creating videos that truly connect with your audience requires more than just hitting record.