

Thank you so much to the wonderful #YEGBOSSBABES who attended the Winter Mixer! This was only our second mixer and we are so proud of amount of local female entrepreneurs & community members that made it out!

The Woodrack Cafe was an amazing location that provided us with great service, delicious drinks, and a cozy place to network. We defiantly filled the space and appreciated your understanding when things got a little cramped!

Our evening started at 7PM and the conversations seemed to flow easy! People started filling tables, networking and learning more about each other. We love to provide name tags to all of our attendees to help with the "I totally just met you but now I forget your name" situation!



Founder, Kirsten Kyle started the evening with a quick run down of our "WHY" and introduced the other members of the team! Next up we introduced Zakiyaa Murji and she gave an amazing speech on Self Love & Body Positivity. Now you might wonder why we may have choose a topic that wasn't specifically related to business and heres why..

When we heard Kia speak at a previous event we were so moved by her story and feel that in a community full of women that this topic would relate to so many. Confidence in yourself will help you succeed in all things, one of those being your business. It will give you the confidence to step out of your comfort zone and land those clients, jobs, sales etc.





We are committed to hosting a mixer every season. With that being said, we are already working on details for our Spring Mixer and will be taking into consideration all of the awesome feedback we received! We encourage all of the Fall & Winter attendees to join us next season as well!

Want to keep in touch regarding the Spring Mixer? Here is how:

- Visit our WEBSITE and subscribe to our mailing list! - Be sure to follow us on INSTAGRAM





Keep the feedback and partnerships coming our way! Who knows, maybe you will be featured as a YEGBOSSBABE by us in the near future!

For all the ladies who attended and were interested in some of the feedback we received here is a list of the FAV YEG HANGS!



Photo Credit | @smallwave photography