RANDOM THOUGHTS FROM A #MOMBOSS - Lindsay Kelloway | Haiku Lane
Hello everyone! My name is Lindsay Kelloway & I am the creator of Haiku Lane. Everyone always asks me how I started Haiku Lane and I have two stories. I’m not sure which is the crediting explanation or whether the two intermix unbiasedly next to each other.
The first story- My grandparents have a home in Maui and so I always felt that it was my home away from home. I have always felt like my heart belonged by the ocean and thus I felt inspiration everywhere! Most of my first creations started with seashells & sea glass. The Name “Haiku” arose from a place in maui called “Haiku Mill”- an old sugar mill from the 1800’s. Look it up! I dare you.
The second story- and perhaps less romantic than the first but equally important started when I was young. My aunt had always been in craft shows and my mom and I would come to her house and help her prepare. My mom, never wanting to commit to craft shows herself, was equally crafty if not more so and loved to help out! I always told my mom- “I’m going to have my own booth one day”. I’m the type that once I’m committed, I’m committed! So here I am 7 years into Haiku Lane doing what I love!
My Random Thoughts from a #MomBoss
1-You may be wondering why I use “vintage” pieces in my work. The truth is I have always been an “Old Soul” and perhaps this stemmed from when I was a child and would go to old car shows and antique shops with my dad and grandpa. Perhaps it was a way to connect & bond with them because I didn’t feel like I had anything in common with the two…. Either way its become a true interest and I truly love the mystery of an old skeleton key, for example.
2-Now that I am reminiscing of the past…I used to have a major crush on Elvis Presley & John Travolta (in the “Grease” days).
3-My child is on the move 24/7 and we call her a mini tornado. I feel guilty for wishing that she would just sit down and watch “Paw Patrol” so I can sit & relax. But on the other hand I am so happy that she is not glued to the tv.
4- If your child is quiet- yes it is too good to be true! They are likely playing in the dogs water dish or better yet the toilet…. Or maybe they have shredded all of the toilet paper off of the roll!
5- In an effort to become more “plant based” I have found some awesome recipes & these are my serious “Go -Tos” that are absolutely delicious ! RECIPES HERE
6- I look at my child with chapped red cheeks from teething, a snotty nose that she won’t let me clean, food in her hair with the biggest teethy grin and my husband asks me “Do all parents love their child this much?”. It makes my heart ache that there are children out there who don’t have caregivers that truly love them…. and I think about this all too much! While our children can drive us to insanity at moments, there is no love greater!
7- How much cactus and macrame in a house is two much? I may have a problem.
Sincerely, Lindsay Kelloway
Social Media www.haikulane.com Instagram- @haiku.lane.handmade Facebook- www.facebook.com/haikulane