End of the year notes with Coach Lilly Wang
Do you like setting goals for yourself? Do you think setting resolutions, or thinking about what you want out of a new year year, at the start of the year, is important?
If you’re following us, you probably answered “yes” to one (or all) of the above. And yes, goal setting and planning is certainly what help us get to where we want to go.
However, what many people don’t do enough of is “wrapping things up.” This is a quantum physics tool that I use with my clients — that of wrapping things up, and of “closing the loop.”
Hello, my name is Lilly, and I help people get more of what they want and what they deserve. In so doing I often call upon my quantum physics (spiritual) training, something I started about 2 decades ago. I’ve worked on different types of projects involving consulting, coaching, and teaching across the globe.
Whether on large-scale national level projects with the World Health Organization, or with small businesses and solopreneurs wanting to grow more and live out their passion more, I absolutely love seeing people ask for help and reaching more of their potential.
Okay, so why do I advise people to “close the loop?” Read on to get a glimpse of what coaching looks like!
I advise clients to practice different tools to “close the loop” on many things in their lives so that they can “complete” things, so that they can then “begin” other things with better and stronger energy.
This can be explained at the mental level, and understood on the emotional level.
For example, if you are experiencing miscommunication or crossed wires with a colleague or business partner, does that unspoken tension feel good, or bad? Probably bad, right? So would having a conversation about it help? Yes, if the conversation can be done in an open and respectful space, it often would, wouldn’t it?
This scenario represents what I call “closing the loop” and resolving an incomplete issue. By closing the loop here, we find a sense of “completion,” so to speak, to a problem that was previously causing tension, and one that may have been affecting team morale and productivity.
And so it is with other things in our lives. We all make promises to others, and set goals for ourselves. But we feel a sense of tension when we don’t take the necessary steps toward them, don’t we? So whether it’s in our personal lives or our business and professional lives, it stands to reason that the more loops we close, the less tension we feel, and thus the more energy and positive emotions we might have remaining, for actually creating the life we want.
I help clients with more complex and more personal situations, and often use tailored tools and systems that apply to their situation at that time, which I can’t exactly do with you as I don’t quite know what your goals are and what it is that you’re going through right now. But here are 3 very simple things I could advise you on doing that would really help in closing the loop and finding a sense of completion and peace. Ready?
Sit in a quiet, comfortable space. If you’re musically inclined, you can put something soft or inspiring on.
Grab a journal and write the following down. I’ve attached quantum physics coaching (explanations) next to each of the 3 steps to help explain why these activities are so powerful.
1. 10 things for which you can thank and praise yourself.
Examples of this might look like “I am thankful I finished that scary email today.” Or “I feel really proud of myself for having put myself out there and reaching out to so and so last week.”
Why? Because most people feel too much tension about their broken promises to themselves, so we need to start flipping the script on this and acknowledging the good that we do!
2. Next, 4-5 things for which you can forgive yourself.
Examples of this might look like “I forgive myself for not having been as kind as I would have liked to have been to so and so, when such and such happened this year.” Or “I forgive myself for not having asked for help when I needed it this past fall.”
Why? Because when most people dream of what they want in life, they’re the first ones to stop themselves from going after them. They might cite that one time 10 years ago that they didn’t follow through, or those 50,000 times in the past year during which they didn’t give it their all.
I’m not trying to depress you here, but rather, to point out how common it is for so many of us to stop ourselves in the track when goal setting. Learn the steps to self-forgiveness, and you’ll see yourself becoming more and more open to the things you do want, and do deserve.
3. And lastly, 10 things for which you can say gratitude.
Examples of this might look like “I am so thankful for the kindness and patience that so and so showed me last week when we were on zoom.” Or “I am so grateful that I have 2 great mentors in my life.”
Why? Because giving true and genuine thanks is one of the most powerful ways of raising our energetic vibration. And why would we want to raise our energetic vibration? Because all the good things we want in life - fulfilment, self-actualization, love, self love, joy, and so on, exist on a high energetic vibration.
Do this once before the end of the year, and once again at the start of the year if you can. Let me know how it goes and how it helped you.
Closing the loop and finding a sense of completion help us let the past stay in the past, thus creating an energetic space in which we can actually start dreaming of our vision and goals again.
If you’ve heard me speak or if you work with me, you’ve probably heard me say that throughout my career in consulting and coaching, I’ve never seen a lack of talent being an issue. We as humans are all so full of talent and potential. But what I’ve seen is an ability to follow-through, to believe in ourselves, and to continue and persevere when things get tough (and things will always get tough).
Most people don’t allow themselves to dream. Let’s flip that script, and begin to dream about the life we want again, beginning with these tools.
Thank you for reading this today. :) If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!
With love,
If this helped you today, consider following Lilly here:
Instagram: @thelillywang
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/successeveryday
Or booking with her at https://calendly.com/lillystrategy
Lilly and YEG Boss Babes are creating a “Working from Home with Kids Survival Guide” launching in early 2021 and we are so excited! This is a fun, supportive, and coaching-oriented digital download!
Happy Holidays from Lilly Wang and YEG Boss Babes!
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