Denisse is an Indigenous woman, who was born in the lands of Mexico. She is a Curandera (medicine woman), an activist, and a forever student of the universe. Her gifts started at the young age of around 10 years old, and she has been called to the red road, despite resisting at first. She has been initiated many times into this lineage and path, and works with amazing mentors from the Mehxica, Tz'utujil, Q'ero, and Lahkota traditions. Denisse firmly believes that healing, compassion, safety, and dignity should be available to all. She routinely offers free healing sessions, scholarships, volunteers regularly, always offers sliding scale to those in need, and is always looking at ways of giving back to the community. Denisse desires to remind every person just how sacred they are, and to help them reclaim their sovereignty, ancestry, ceremonies, and wellness.

Denisse Peters

(780) 233 2244


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BDC - Heidi Schurman


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