Bali at Last - Event Recap
A glimpse into a vibrant room full of women in business networking & enjoying the BEST mocktails and cocktails from Tipsy Tays Bartending.
Our first mixer of 2024!
What an amazing event, read on to hear more about a fantastic evening!
A glimpse into a vibrant room full of women in business networking & enjoying the BEST mocktails and cocktails from Tipsy Tays Bartending.
I will not be forgetting those coconut drinks anytime soon 🧉 and those delicious passed appetizers from Java Chef YEG 🤤
The decor of the event really pulled the theme together and I really don’t think The Banyan Collection could have done a better job, the fresh flowers were so refreshing to enjoy in the midst of this cold snap 🌺
Last Modern Events are there any words for what they were able to accomplish?? They are truly elevating Edmonton and I am so grateful to have them in the city and I can’t wait see what they do this year 🥹
✨A big highlight of the night for me was keynote speaker K.E.A Consulting asking us to simplify our life and consider the The ONE Book approach. She challenged us to find our word for the year and mine has to be glitter ✨
I want to spend 2024 serving this amazing community full of women in business by providing affordable tools you need to grow &scale your business by partnering with some of the most amazing women I have ever met 👏
Let’s make sure 2024 is filled with glitter and magic because I truly believe that TOGETHER there is nothing we can’t do 💪
In the YBB community you can expect one mixer every quarter and smaller networking event every month🌟
A big thank you again to our sponsors, and our amazing photo recap from Ana Carmela below.

Thank you, YBB Team
Women With Vision 2020 - Vision Board Creation Event Recap
2020 is our year of “GROWTH & LEADERSHIP”. What are your words? What are your goals? What are your aspirations? We are so lucky to have connected with over 45 women to create vision boards of our own to start 2020 off just right!
2020 is our year of “GROWTH & LEADERSHIP”
What are your words? What are your goals? What are your aspirations?
We are so lucky to have connected with over 45 women to create vision boards of our own to start 2020 off just right! Did you know that this is the second year that WWV has SOLD OUT!? One of the many membership perks is getting first dibs and discounts on events and workshops like this!
The room was buzzing at Work Nicer in downtown Edmonton with goal planning and sharing as the hot topic.
We want to thank everyone including our amazing team for helping bring this event to life!
Jocelyn Davison our rock star event coordinator KILLED IT once again! We could not be more thankful for such a hardworking, kind & confident member on our team!
We kicked it off with a phenomenal grounding session from Kelsey Dalziel where she guided our attendees through a beautiful meditation to engage optimal mind sets before we created our 2020 Vision Boards!
“That session really helped me create a clear vision for myself. I came in not really knowing what to put on my board but after that grounding session I was able to think more clearly and come up with some awesome ideas for my board!” - Workshop Attendee
Nicole Constante is the women behind the vision of this workshop and we are so proud to have her back hosting for a second year! If you are lucky enough to know this women you will understand why she is the perfect person for this workshop! Always shining and such a joy to be around.
“Keep wondering what would it feels like. Keep imagining. Keep daydreaming. Think it into existence. Speak it into existence. Ask for it. Expect it. Believe it with every fiber of your whole entire being and give it no other choice but to come to pass.”
We want to thank the rest of our amazing supporters, sponsors, partners & volunteers for allowing us to bring these events to our community!
Riviera Liquor
Christina Bolstad | Food Sponsor
Flower Wall Edmonton
Brave Fox Coffee
Elisa Valade
Glenny Decasa Thanks to this super women for jumping in and taking photos for Nicole while she hosted! Team work makes the dream work!

If sharing photos online please remember to provide photo credit to @nicole.constante & and tag @yegbossbabes!
Showing Up on Instagram Stories - A Sip & Support Recap
On September 30th, our fellow ambassador & photographer, Nicole Constante held her first Sip & Support. It was all about how to show up for your audience on Instagram stories.
On September 30th, our fellow ambassador & photographer, Nicole Constante held her first Sip & Support. It was all about how to show up for your audience on Instagram stories. For those of you who have never been to one of our Sip & Supports or have never heard of it, a Sip & Support is an event with an intentionally small group of women that come together and share their interests with one another regarding a specific topic.
Sip & Supports are a great way to meet like-minded women, attend an event that is intentionally small in size (if larger networking events are not your thing), and to get to know our community in a more intimate setting. Not to mention, leaving inspired and supported by the YBB Community ready to take on your goals.
A member of our YEG BOSS BABES Team, is often the one who develops a topic to explore specifically for this event, leads the group with discussion topics and takes in feedback which we use to help plan future workshops/collaborations and to grow relatable skills touched on during the sip & support. Today, Nicole guides us through a walkthrough of her journey in hosting for her very first time.
So, If you ever had an idea that you've been putting off for so long, then you should continue to read this.
Today I am excited because it marks almost 2 months since my first ever Sip & Support! I sat down with a group of women for a mastermind session in one of my favorite coffee shops. This experience has taught me LOTS of lessons— which, I am going to share with you today.
Live events make me so nervous. I remember during my first one, I barely slept the night before. I also had a handful of index cards on my hands for my notes. Talk about being overprepared!
And this time, I put it off for WEEKS because I was afraid I wouldn't have answers to questions. I promoted it last minute just so I would have an excuse if people didn't show up. (anyone else guilty of this?!)
In the last few days prior to it especially, the impostor syndrome was only getting greater and even more consuming. My stomach was a punching bag for thoughts like, "what, I think I'm a guru now? Who do I think I am? What do I know to teach them?!"
That Monday morning of the event though, it was different.
I was the LEAST prepared still, yes. I had deadlines to finish for other clients, sure. My team had to cancel on me last minute, of course. But that day, I was different.
I was just DONE having the victim mindset! I told myself "I've got this!!" I STEPPED UP.
— aka this girl took a nap like a champ! Like she didn't have an event in 4 hours and that she hasn't even finished her notes yet… It was a full-on Jesus Take The Wheel moment! And during the event, I told myself, I'm just going to wing it!
And the moment I was at that table with the girls, it was just me talking to my friends. It was just us having our mastermind and bouncing ideas off each other at a coffee shop. More than what I KNEW, I shared MY HEART. I shared my stories. The girls participated with great enthusiasm (and more people than we anticipated came!) The table was friendly and powerful. It was so much more than I could've ever asked for or imagine!
I asked myself — "why did I ever put it off for so long?!"
I was so afraid I wouldn't have anything to share. That I wasn't really qualified to teach on something like utilizing Instagram Stories for brand-building and marketing. That people wouldn't show up. That I would mess it all up.
But you see, I knew that it was me being still, trusting and getting into that VICTORY mindset that has made all the difference. It made me realize even more that indeed, it is already done. The battle has already been won. All we have to do is position ourselves to receive it. (picture a girl in her pajamas blasting Elevation's "See A Victory" solo in her room! Ha!)
Today I want to encourage you…
If God put something in your heart.. if there's something that's been calling your name.. if there's an idea, a business, a blog or youtube channel, a podcast, a new product.. if there is something that has been whispering deep within you.. may this season be the one you reach for it. May here and now be the space where you cultivate it.
I hope you let this be the time you lean into your calling ever braver and more empowered. Choose today to be the one you say "yes" to yourself and your dreams, claiming it is God's will for your life and so you will always be victorious.
Amidst the voices, I pray you go inward and deeper to hear the still, small voice. The one that says, "You are more than able. You are equipped. You are empowered. You will do great things in this life.."
Let's not let our ego, fear, and self-doubt get in our way anymore. Let's take a stand and not let life get in the way anymore.
Go for it. Because if you believe you already have it, indeed, it will be yours.
You've got this, girl!!
Post Submission: Nicole Constante
This post was first published on The Get It Girl Insider
On September 30th, our fellow ambassador & photographer, Nicole Constante held her first Sip & Support. It was all about how to show up for your audience on Instagram stories.