How to Declutter Using the reHome Hub
Helping Busy Entrepreneurs Declutter with Impact. As a woman in business, you’ve got a lot on the go.
Helping Busy Entrepreneurs Declutter with Impact
As a woman in business, you’ve got a lot on the go. Making time to declutter and organize isn’t easy, and it can be even more challenging when you don’t know what to do with the items you want to let go of.
I know you don’t want to toss a perfectly good coffee mug in the trash, or to chuck out a T-shirt simply because it’s got a highschool emblem on it. Maybe you’ve got a big, heirloom dresser that you couldn’t possibly lift on your own, or even an old set of Pyrex bowls that might hold some value. As professional home organizers, we’ve seen this countless times!
Meet the reHome Hub: Your Go-To Decluttering Directory
Our second-hand directory connects you with local organizations eager to give your items a new lease on life— and keep them out of the landfill. Whether you're itching to donate, consign, or sell your goods, we've got you covered.
The reHome Hub is online and absolutely free! Making it accessible to all Albertans with just a few clicks.
How Do I Declutter With the reHome Hub?
It’s as easy as Sort & Simple!, that is. From our website, go to the menu and select reHome Hub. There you’ll find the second hand directory!
You can browse all of the organizations, or you can refine your search based on the category of item you are looking to rehome. We've curated a list of businesses, charities, schools, and makers looking for:
• Clothing and Textiles
• Baby and Children's Items
• School and Art Supplies
• Books and Media
• Furniture and Home Goods
• Home Renovation Supplies
• Sporting Goods
• And more!
For each organization, you’ll find helpful information including what items are accepted, where they are located and how to get in touch if you have further questions. Plus, we’ve listed who can do pick-ups (great for big furniture!) and highlighted some of the most needed items (wonderful for decluttering motivation!).
The reHome Hub is more than just a directory - it's a platform that showcases the commitment of Albertans to keep reusable items out of the landfill. With our comprehensive list of organizations, you can trust that your decluttered items will find new homes and new life!
Time to Declutter with Impact!
With the reHome Hub at your fingertips, you’re ready to tackle decluttering with confidence.
No more wasting time, wondering where all your stuff should go after spring cleaning, or stressing over where to consign clothes in Edmonton. Head on over to the reHome Hub to save time, declutter with purpose, and support sustainably-minded community organizations!
Still feeling stuck?
Contact Sort & Simple to declutter with confidence!
Photography | Christina Louise Branding
Kaytlyn Beakhouse is the Lead Organizer at Sort & Simple Professional Organizing. With a passion for simplicity, efficiency and sustainability, her team brings flow and function to any space. Ready to organize your space? Contact S&S
Mad Love Monday - Kaytlyn Beakhouse, Sort & Simple Professional Organizing
Hi there, I’m Kaytlyn! I am the Owner and Lead Organizer of Sort & Simple Professional Organizing. I love transforming people’s lives through simplifying their space.
Image @christinalouisebranding
Hi there, I’m Kaytlyn!
I am the Owner and Lead Organizer of Sort & Simple Professional Organizing. I love transforming people’s lives through simplifying their space.
Why did you start this business?
Now more than ever, it is VERY easy to accumulate stuff. However, it’s not as easy to get rid of items. Most of us can relate to the feelings of stress, overwhelm and even paralysis that a big ol’ pile of stuff can create. Disorganization can impede our productivity, hinder efficiency, and can even cause feelings of guilt and shame.
This is where Sort & Simple comes in! Through the power of decluttering and the implementation of functional systems, not only can we create a welcoming space, creativity and confidence soar too!
Why do you love being an entrepreneur?
After a decade long career in the healthcare field, I had reached a plateau in my learning and development. I was craving a new challenge!
Owning my own business has filled many of the gaps I had in my previous career - I get to build meaningful, long-term relationships, and utilize my creativity and handy-girl skills. The best part is that I am challenged every day and am constantly learning. I love it!
What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far?
When it comes to organizing an important lesson I’ve learned is to be continuously adaptable. Every client has a unique way of using their space and belongings, so I need to keep an open mind to their preferences and find solutions that make sense to them. Often that means using a system very different from what I would want in my home!
As for the business side of things, I have learned that I cannot control everything. When I finally realized that there is a limit to my capacity a huge weight lifted off my chest. By giving myself permission to set work boundaries, delegate tasks, and to be patient with the process I have had more opportunities present themselves and am having a lot more fun along the way. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Do you want to chat non-stop about the magic of decluttering and organizing?
Let's connect!
Image @christinalouisebranding
Mad Love Monday | Shawna Dirksen - Practically Minimal
My business is called Practically Minimal. I help women declutter their lives and overcome overwhelm. Practically Minimal is all about empowering ourselves to focus on the things, people and experiences that align with our lives and purpose, and finding the courage to let go of what doesn’t.
What is your business?
Emilie Iggiotti Photography
My business is called Practically Minimal. I help women declutter their lives and overcome overwhelm. Practically Minimal is all about empowering ourselves to focus on the things, people and experiences that align with our lives and purpose, and finding the courage to let go of what doesn’t.
I do this through my blog, online programs, one-to-one coaching, and extra resources and livestream events in my private Facebook group called The Clutter is REAL Community.
What inspired you to start your own business?
A shopping addiction and two walk-in closets stuffed with clothes!
Long story short, I finally recognized I was repeating an unhealthy pattern, and took a long and challenging path to creating what I now call a minimal-ish lifestyle. :)
The impact exploring minimalism has had on my life was so huge, I wanted to tell everyone all about it, and if I inspired a few others to learn more about it, that would be a bonus. So, I started my blog, Practically Minimal, in the spring of 2019.
About a year later, I decided I wanted to be more hands-on in helping women create a calmer, more peaceful environment (and some high-vibe energy) at home. That’s when I turned my blog into a business and here I am today!
Do you have a go-to quote or motto?
Yes, I have a few, but my favourite is probably this one by Peter Walsh (author and organizing guru), “Clutter isn’t just the stuff on the floor. It’s anything that gets between you and the life you want to be living.” #preach
What’s a personal goal of yours to accomplish?
Maintaining a neat, clutter-free home is a goal of mine and, I think, always will be. I’m not a naturally organized person, so I have to work at it. My business definitely helps keep me accountable to this!
Do you have a professional goal or set of goals for your business?
Of course! A professional goal I’m working on right now is improving and practicing my public speaking skills so I can do a better job sharing my story with others who may find some inspiration from what I’ve learned and gone through.
I’m also working on making more of an impact within the Practically Minimal community, and helping my clients get exciting results from my online courses and coaching programs. So, learning more about what their barriers are and coming up with solutions to help them break through.
Why do you love being an entrepreneur?
Freedom is probably my highest value and entrepreneurship feels like freedom to me.
Did you ever have a time where you wanted to give up? How did you overcome that feeling?
Yes, for sure. Starting a new business is really challenging. And, I’m definitely not the only one out there offering decluttering and home organizing services, lol! All I can say is I know this is what I’m meant to do so, to me, there’s no other option except to keep going.
What’s your best boss babe moment?
Anytime someone emails, DMs or comments on social media that I’ve inspired them to declutter something, it’s a best boss babe moment! Knowing I’m making an impact (no matter how big or small) is what this is all about for me.
What platform do you find most success or interaction from?
I probably would have said Instagram even a few months ago, but now I’d say I get the best interaction and success inside my Facebook group (even though there are fewer people in it than follow me on IG right now).
Work-life balance: What do you do to destress? What is your must-have moment of the day?
An early morning meditation and then a coffee before I start working is my favourite time of the day. Also regular workouts help me with stress and anxiety.
What are you looking to learn from other YEG Boss Babes in the community?
How to keep growing as an entrepreneur and how to scale my online business. I also love hearing other boss babes tell their stories, and learning why and how they do what they do!
Submission by Shawna Dirksen Practically Minimal
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