Giving to Women & Their Families of Ukraine on IWD and beyond
This IWD hits different and for many reasons. It’s been hard to “celebrate” in a whirl-wind of countless moments of discourse we are aware (and maybe not aware) of when it comes to the advancement of gender equality around the world and here at home over the past 2-3 years.
Written by Kirsten MacDonell, Co-Founder
Graphic designed by iliustra
This IWD hits different and for many reasons. It’s been hard to “celebrate” in a whirl-wind of countless moments of discourse we are aware (and maybe not aware) of when it comes to the advancement of gender equality around the world and here at home over the past 2-3 years. The direct and secondary effects the Pandemic has had on women are especially cruel. Gender-based violence spiked. Economic security advancements heavily vulnerable. Inclusive leadership advancements also vulnerable to impact. These are just a few bruised societal advancements effecting women. Here are just a couple of statistics that paint a picture here in Canada. “Women accounted for 63% of the 1 million jobs lost as of March 2020, and 70% of losses by workers aged 25 to 54.” Our recovery rate since March 2020 is lagging as jobs come back to the market. “Women make up 60 per cent of those in Canada who are economically “struggling”, meaning that they report difficulty covering basic expenses and may need pay day loans or food banks to get by.” Source Furthermore, evidence shows that BIPOC communities are disproportionately impacted by these pandemic outcomes.
Now, imagine, your country has been attacked and an active, cruel and unprovoked war is now occurring on your door-step. You are fleeing, sleeping on trains while sharing a seat with a stranger. Crammed in cars with signs taped to the windows stating “children inside”, carrying all of what you could fit and leaving the rest behind.. You are a daughter saying good-bye to your father, a volunteer civilian soldier who only recently learnt how to use an assault weapon. You are the mother of children you had to peel off of their grandfather and their dad as you said good-bye to escape the danger. You are the aunt doing your best to put on a brave face to entertain your baby niece or nephew while in a bomb shelter you can barely stand up in… You are a woman who only as of weeks ago, is serving your country on the front lines with artillery strapped to your back and while wearing donated military gear…
Today, I saw a viral video of a little girl named Amelia singing “Let It Go” in a Kyiv bomb shelter. Instantly, it brought me to tears. My daughter, only a year or two younger than she, is also named Amelia (spelt “Emilia”) and she also sings “Let It Go” as it is her favourite movie. The relatability of it all was just too much and emotion took over. Today in Edmonton, I took Emilia with me as I offered my time and support to friends who are compiling a fundraiser to #standwithukraine. This all lead me to think this: It’s time we as mothers, daughters, sisters, nieces, granddaughters, do what we know best - CARE for others. SUPPORT others. Support and care for these families enduring terrorizing moments that are going to forever change their lives and leave an imprint of trauma and devastation that will undeniably shape their futures.
Reaching out to Ukrainian-Turkmenian entrepreneur and fellow WorkNicer member, Daria Venkova, we learnt the following ways to act now and show our care for our fellow sisters and brothers of Ukraine this IWD.
Drop off a donation package to your local MEEST office: Click this link to see how you can send 2 boxes per day for FREE or $5.00 per kilogram by air.
Meest is also accepting your Amazon orders. Direct the address to Toronto’s Meest Head office and note HUMANITARIAN AID FOR UKRAINE on the package. Check out this list of needed items. Medical supplies such as pain killers, antibiotics, gauze are just to name a few top of the list as of now.
What makes me so proud to be an Edmontonian, an Albertan, and a Canadian is our “drop-everything and show up for others when the need it” spirit. I see it all of the time in our community. I know you see it too. It’s a beautiful thing that makes us unique and in my opinion great leaders in the world setting an example for many. We hope you find this blog post compelling enough to show more acts for caring. Caring for on another is what we, as women, are so damn good at… Just read every single mothers day card for sale right now and you won’t be able to deny that..
If you’d like to share more ways to get involved with our community, please reach out to
Community Highlights: BCBIGS Volunteering
Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters (BGCBigs) is a community-supported organization committed to the healthy development of children, youth, and their families by providing safe places, positive relationships, services, and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that enhance their long-term success in life.
I, for one, am a huge fan of the holidays, I would celebrate them all if I had enough time. Eating all the delicious special foods, giving gifts to show our love, and most of all spending quality time with those near and dear- it really gets me. The post-holiday hangover though, that’s real too. You’ve been at your aunties house for a week and starting to get sick of each other, you can’t wait to get home to your bed and hibernate with Netflix for a little while, get back to you, count your blessings. When we pause to look around, it’s easy to see the privileges all around us.
November and December are times of giving in our culture but in January everything goes back to normal. January and February are the loneliest months of the year, with rates of suicide much higher than normal. It can feel jarring for those in less privileged situations, especially those accessing services in our community to help their families get by.
For young kids, there are many free events that parents can sign up for where their children can meet Santa and take a gift home. These are great for parents who can’t afford much for gifts, it helps keep the magic alive and love in their homes. We can’t forget about helping others just because the holidays are over. Especially during the challenging months ahead, it’s important for those of us who are able to put our hearts out and lend a helping hand.
In October I had a chance to meet with Talia from Boys and Girls Club/ Big Brothers and Big Sisters and she let me know about all the amazing ways we can help out the kids involved in their programming, so check it out!
Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters (BGCBigs) is a community-supported organization committed to the healthy development of children, youth, and their families by providing safe places, positive relationships, services, and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that enhance their long-term success in life. As a Non-Profit organization, we worked with 5600 youth last year with the help of around over 3000 volunteers.
BCGBigs Mentoring and After-School programs seek to support vulnerable children and youth challenged by the impacts of poverty.
The organization also works in partnership with other community organizations to develop and deliver programs geared to specific populations, such as the immigrant and refugee community, the Indigenous community, and other vulnerable groups (e.g. LGBTQ youth).
Mentoring has been shown to be an important component of wraparound community services to support a child’s success in school. Mentoring is defined by the relationship between a caring more experienced or wiser volunteer (e.g. adult or older teen) and a child or younger youth.
Through participation in educational, recreational and social activities with a volunteer mentor, a mentoring relationship provides a child with support, friendship, guidance, and a constructive role model.
BGCBIG Volunteers Change Lives.
The change is usually small at first. Summoning the courage to order their own meal at a restaurant or learning how to take deep breaths when they’re upset. But that change grows with the child. It becomes confidence and hope. It becomes improved grades in school and a high school diploma. It becomes an unwillingness to dabble in negative behavior like drugs, alcohol, and bullying. And one day, that child becomes a successful, thriving adult.
As previously mentioned, Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters (BGCBigs) is so fortunate to have the help of over 3,000 caring volunteers. Without volunteers, children and youth simply wouldn’t have the tools and support they need to become successful. For us, those tools and supports come from our mentoring and after school programs. Using those, we’re able to provide children & youth with healthy relationships and enriching experiences they need to understand their full potential and go out there and grab it. Our volunteers dedicate their time and efforts to spending time with a single child or with a group of children or volunteering with us behind the scenes.
Are you interested in volunteering? Please go to for a full list of programs and applications.
Unable to volunteer your time on an ongoing basis? Call Volunteer Recruitment Facilitator Talia Shewchuk Magat at 780 822 2503 as she would be happy to meet with you over a cup of coffee to chat about other potential partnering opportunities.
Post submitted by TC Jordens-Harrah
TC Jordens-Harrah | YBB Ambassador: Community Inclusion
Women With Vision 2020 - Vision Board Creation Event Recap
2020 is our year of “GROWTH & LEADERSHIP”. What are your words? What are your goals? What are your aspirations? We are so lucky to have connected with over 45 women to create vision boards of our own to start 2020 off just right!
2020 is our year of “GROWTH & LEADERSHIP”
What are your words? What are your goals? What are your aspirations?
We are so lucky to have connected with over 45 women to create vision boards of our own to start 2020 off just right! Did you know that this is the second year that WWV has SOLD OUT!? One of the many membership perks is getting first dibs and discounts on events and workshops like this!
The room was buzzing at Work Nicer in downtown Edmonton with goal planning and sharing as the hot topic.
We want to thank everyone including our amazing team for helping bring this event to life!
Jocelyn Davison our rock star event coordinator KILLED IT once again! We could not be more thankful for such a hardworking, kind & confident member on our team!
We kicked it off with a phenomenal grounding session from Kelsey Dalziel where she guided our attendees through a beautiful meditation to engage optimal mind sets before we created our 2020 Vision Boards!
“That session really helped me create a clear vision for myself. I came in not really knowing what to put on my board but after that grounding session I was able to think more clearly and come up with some awesome ideas for my board!” - Workshop Attendee
Nicole Constante is the women behind the vision of this workshop and we are so proud to have her back hosting for a second year! If you are lucky enough to know this women you will understand why she is the perfect person for this workshop! Always shining and such a joy to be around.
“Keep wondering what would it feels like. Keep imagining. Keep daydreaming. Think it into existence. Speak it into existence. Ask for it. Expect it. Believe it with every fiber of your whole entire being and give it no other choice but to come to pass.”
We want to thank the rest of our amazing supporters, sponsors, partners & volunteers for allowing us to bring these events to our community!
Riviera Liquor
Christina Bolstad | Food Sponsor
Flower Wall Edmonton
Brave Fox Coffee
Elisa Valade
Glenny Decasa Thanks to this super women for jumping in and taking photos for Nicole while she hosted! Team work makes the dream work!

If sharing photos online please remember to provide photo credit to @nicole.constante & and tag @yegbossbabes!
On September 30th, our fellow ambassador & photographer, Nicole Constante held her first Sip & Support. It was all about how to show up for your audience on Instagram stories.